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The Other Must See Hip-Hop Film Is Coming Thanks To Stretch & Bobbito

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Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito Garcia are two heralded heroes of hip-hop culture.

From 1990 until 1998, the pair hosted an influential radio show on Columbia University’s WKCR 89.9 FM.
It was not just any radio show.
“The Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito Show“ was voted “The Best Hip-Hop Radio Show of All-Time” in 1998 by The Source magazine. After 20 years, Stretch and Bobbito might just still have that title.
Both hosts were/are experts at picking the rising Hip-Hop talent of the era, and interviewing them for millions of fans who tuned in every Thursday/Friday morning from 1am-5am.
Unsigned acts like Nas, The Notorious B.I.G., Wu-Tang Clan, Eminem, Jay-Z, Big Pun, Eminem and so many others blessed WKCR’s studios that the original mics, should be placed in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (or the Hip-Hop Hall of Fame if one ever opens).
Nowadays, some of their archives are readily accessible to Hip-Hop enthusiasts, thanks to Stretch and Bobbito’s Soundcloud page.
But back in the day, when mixtapes were a largely underground culture in the early 90s, getting your hands on a tape of “The Strech Armstrong and Bobbito Show” was like buying a bar of gold.
Thanks to the support of fans and the early success of a new Kickstarter campaign, the pair are closer to seeing their story told on film. Stretch and Bobbito are co-producing a full-length documentary titled “Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changed Lives.”
A Kickstarter campaign was launched late last week to raise funds for the project. The film already has $16,472 as of press time, with 25 days left in the campaign.
The money will be used to ensure the movie is released to a wide viewing audience. The funds will help get the documentary into theaters worldwide, in addition to other channels like video on-demand, television, and streaming media outlets.

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