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Will Drake Go To College? We Don't Know, But It's Funny Imagining Him On Campus

Drake’s career blew up before he finished high school. The rapper, who dropped out at the age of 15, eventually earned his high school diploma in 2012. That may have appeased Drake, but one fan wants to see the rapper continue his education.

A new Instagram page devoted to imagining Drake in college recently sprouted up.

The Instagram page imagines Drake as a student at the University of Toronto, Scarborough.

The creator of the page does an excellent job Photoshopping Drake in different situations that reflect campus life.

In this world, Drake has to wait for public transportation to get to school, but, of course, it’s no sweat.

Drake, who recently landed on Forbes Wealthiest Rappers list, can still be found working behind the counter at the university’s cafeteria.

All in all, it is a creative and humorous look at what life would have been like if Drake had not dropped out to become world famous.

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