[R]&B star Chris Brown exposed himself to media criticism, when he tweeted his opinion that Ebola could have been manufactured as a means to control population. But the singer isn’t the only person that believes a conspiracy could exist in regards to the most recent outbreak.
Republicans have been stoking the fears of a global conspiracy in regards to the latest out break – and it turns out they both could be right.
Part of the reason the most recent Ebola outbreak spread so fast was because of the mistrust between local citizens and their respective governments. After Liberian resident Thomas Eric Duncan tested positive for the Ebola virus on September 28, he was immediately sequestered at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Despite treatment efforts, Duncan died from the infectious disease on October 8, 2014.
The black patient did not get a fair treatment like the two White-American patients who were successfully treated, according to Duncan’s family. During an interview with The Daily Mail, Duncan’s sister Mary Pearson, 52, boldly accused the U.S. of a conspiracy and raised questions as to why no plans were made to move him to Emory University Hospital, where the white victims were successfully treated.
“You are the ones that sent it to kill us. They sent the virus and infected people here. Then they blamed Liberians for Ebola. They killed that boy for nothing,” Mary Pearson told The Daily Mail. “Eric suffered in exile and it really hurts me.They didn’t feel sorry for him. They didn’t give him drugs. They had the means to treat him but they treated him like a dog. They are wicked. They didn’t treat him because they said he brought Ebola to America.”
The recent case of Ebola in Dallas raised an interesting question. Could diseases like Ebola, SARS and now EVD-68 have been introduced as germ warfare, specifically aimed at poor people for population control?
Could there even be a conspiracy of this magnitude in the postmodern world?
[F]or years, 81-year-old Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has insisted that the Ebola virus was invented in a laboratory, as a tool of population control. He claimed that the tool was designed to kill blacks and spare whites.
“They are trying their best to limit the people of the earth,” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan told a crowd during a speech in Jamaica, shortly after the latest outbreak. “Did you know that there was a policy in America to depopulate the third world? How does that affect Jamaica? How does that affect the Caribbean? Did you know Henry Kissinger wrote the memo that became policy? They said they were going to use food as a weapon. They sent that policy to the to Department of Agriculture, Defense and the CIA. They are all in the world of the third world, setting the third world up for internal strife, revolution and death.”
Farrakhan was referencing an infamous report produced by former U.S. Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger. In 1974, Henry Kissinger was tasked with producing a Depopulation Report in hopes of averting a looming resource shortage. Louis Farrakhan cited Kissinger’s report and there are many others who also believe the document gave birth to the emergence of germ warfare as a tool for controlling global population.
According to researchers, Ebola appeared on the scene in 1976, two years after Kissinger’s report. So the fear of a conspiracy surrounding Ebola in Africa is not completely unfounded. In the past, there have been many cases where governments have been accused of using germ warfare against its own populations, most notably the Tuskegee Experiments.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phZG49xwX7w |
Dr. Wouter Basson was accused of targeting members of the ANC and the black population with biological warfare in South Africa, on behalf of the government. It was also discovered that agents from South Africa released anthrax into various rivers, contaminating the water supply. |
In the mid 1970’s the world’s largest anthrax outbreak was witnessed, after South African troops were provided with cholera and anthrax to use in countering rebel soldiers during a guerrilla war in Zimbabwe.
In 1998, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa unearthed rot in the apartheid era and confirmed cases where chemical and biological warfare were used. That program, which was engineered by Dr. Wouter Basson, was accused of creating lethal biological and chemical weapons targeting ANC political leaders, their followers and citizens living in black townships.
The commission even discovered that at one point, the program released cholera strains into water sources relied on by various South African villages. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that Ebola was first seen in Nzara, Sudan and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo near the Ebola River, hence the name of the infectious disease.
According to WHO, which is part of the United Nations, the organization was admittedly slow to sound a worldwide alarm about Ebola, because it was seen as an “African affair,” helping to add to the mistrust and even disbelief about the severity of the most recent outbreak. Sadly, it took 4 1/2 months before WHO declared Ebola as a global emergency.
When the severity of the problem was finally recognized, some foreign health volunteers and workers fled the region. The action of the foreign health workers, along with the scary sight of medics in contamination suits, led many in the local countries to believe that a plan had been created and cleverly executed – with the ultimate intention of harming Africans.
Is it possible that the virus was created to infect more people by riding on African culture and customs?
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Dove Pressnall, Founder of Survivors’ Truths |
[E]xperts believe that the disease managed to spread fast because of African customs concerning handling and burying the dead. West African customs and beliefs recognize the day of death as a vital day of life. In that respect, the final farewell comprises of an affectionate, hands-on ritual where the body of the deceased is washed and dressed. In some villages, the ceremony is a community affair where friends and relatives share certain beverages via putting a cup on the lips of the departed before taking the drink.
Experts have voiced their fears that the Ebola menace in Sierra Leone and Liberia could upswing to over 1 million this month, if proper strategies are not put in place. Global concern and participation has been slow because current count of infection is under-reported. Dangers associated with the virus call for world-wide education concerning the virus and ways of prevention.
“People need to know that Ebola can be brought under control, so there can be increased compliance with needed interventions, and for medical personnel to be safe to do their work. Many have left Liberia because it is so dangerous — not just the risk of infection but the risk of unrest,” said Dove Pressnall, Founder of Survivors’ Truths, an L.A. based non-profit that works to document stories from survivors of abuse, violence and infectious diseases.
“There are all kinds of conspiracy theories: ‘maybe Ebola isn’t real. Maybe they’re just doing this to get more international aid, so they can embezzle it.’ People mistrust the government that much,” continued Pressnall. “Still, Liberia has incredibly strong cultural norms around caring for people and around communities coming together. The missing piece in Ebola eradication efforts is the need to understand and leverage cultural assets, and gain public trust at the outset of an outbreak. There is an opportunity. So let’s build treatment centers, but let’s also have a model of caring in the community and show how that actually can happen.”