Rapper Will Smith is one of the most well-known, and talented actors in the world.
But despite Will’s phenomenal success, The rapper/actor is still not immune from society is ills.
During an interview at Comic-Con in San Diego, will discussed racism, which is a central theme in his upcoming movie “Bright.”
The movie is set in the future and Will’s character has to battle mystical creatures, in order to find a weapon everyone is willing to kill for.
“It’s like the flip of those social concepts,” Will Smith said. “As a black dude, you just don’t get a lot of movies where you’re the racist.”
In order to prepare for his role in “Bright,” Will Smith went on ride alongs with the LAPD Sheriffs and other police officers.
“As an African-American, it was a really different perspective for me to be in the back of the car, riding around predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods and see the complexities from the other side,” Will said during the panel style discussion.
“Bright” is due in theaters this December.