[W]arren Sapp is best known for his aggressive play and being the key factor to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning the Super Bowl in 2002. Now the Hall of Famer hopes to sack the world of Fantasy Football by founding a new company/app, Rivalry Fantasy Sports with Rivalry Games, a tech-based company in Santa Monica, California.
Fantasy Football has become a business that is raking in billions, while increasing the popularity of major sports organizations. This in turn affects businesses, which sell sports jerseys and other types of memorabilia. Rivalry Games and Warren Sapp look at this as a golden opportunity to put their hat in the ring, and get in on the action with the Rivalry Fantasy Sports app.
Sapp has had experience in other online ventures too. He has invested in tech companies such as Viddy, Momentage and Code.org. Now as a founding member of Rivalry Fantasy Sports, Sapp is able to bring his area of expertise of both professional sports and online entrepreneurship to the world of Fantasy Sports.
“Fantasy football has grown rapidly over the past few years but still lacked a truly great mobile product designed for the fan: a place to play fantasy any time, any game, and make you feel closer to the action,” Warren Sapp said. “When we developed the app we knew we had a winner, and even the name Rivalry Fantasy Sports hints at the underlying rivalries that are hashed out during the game.”
The difference with Rivalry Games is that it deals more with competition, than focusing on huge payouts. It also offers the chance to draft new teams every day. This can be a huge plus if you’re using certain players that may do well against certain teams, but may struggle with others. You can draft a huge variety of players and there is more opportunities to draft, to get players such as Aaron Rodgers, DeMarco Murray, and Rob Gronkowski.
Rivalry Fantasy Sports hopes the setup with drafts will make the game based more on skill, in addition to maintaining fan interest throughout the season, since you can always form new teams, if ones you have are struggling. When you have teams that can be set up on a daily basis, it should lead to frequent payouts, if your team wins, that is.
Rivalry Fantasy Sports, has already been available for the both iPad and the iPhone, where there has been about 25,000 downloads. Sapp was able to reach out to media partners and using social media, helped get the initial buzz for the app going.
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