“I just feel I’ve got thousands and thousands of young fans that have to learn about what’s real when it comes to AIDS.” Eric “Eazy-E” Wright in his final letter to fans
The year’s hit movie “Straight Outta Compton” opened dialogue on many fronts: the police, race relations and domestic violence. It also highlighted the death of Eric “Eazy-E” Wright, who died of complications from AIDS in March of 1995.
Educators in Maryland are taking advantage of the resurgence of interest in Eazy to educate young Black males at the state’s four historically Black colleges (HBCUs) about sexuality.
The HBCUs are coming together in an unprecedented show of unity, thanks to Hip-Hop music. Morgan State will host “Black Lives Matter: Health and Hip-Hop,” which will tackle sexual behavior and how Hip-Hop music impacts the health of young Black men.
Morgan State University student union will host the all-day event, which is also sponsored by Bowie State University, Coppin State University, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
During the one-day conference, students will be taught the latest in HIV treatment and science by representatives from the Black AIDS Institute and the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DHMH). Also, students will critique Hip-Hop lyrics and create a roadmap to follow to improve the health of young black men in Maryland.
“We believe understanding both the science and the cultural context of HIV is critically important for both treatment and prevention,” said, Jeffrey Hitt, who is a director of DHMH.
“In Maryland, among those newly diagnosed with HIV, the proportion of those ages 20 to 29 nearly doubled — from 16 percent in 2003 to 31 percent in 2012,” Hitt added.
The Black Lives Matter: Health and Hip-Hop will take place on Saturday, October 24, 2015, at Morgan State University Student Union. Students can click here to register for this free event.
As a reminder, here’s Eazy’s final letter to fans in full, courtesy of Eazy-E.com:
I may not seem like a guy you would pick to preach a sermon. But I feel it is now time to testify because I do have folks who care about me hearing all kinds of stuff about what’s up.
Yeah, I was a brother on the streets of Compton doing a lot of things most people look down on — but it did pay off.
Then we started rapping about real stuff that shook up the LAPD and the FBI. But we got our message across big time, and everyone in America started paying attention to the boys in the ‘hood.
Soon our anger and hope got everyone riled up. There were great rewards for me personally, like fancy cars, gorgeous women and good living. Like real non-stop excitement. I’m not religious, but wrong or right, that’s me.
I’m not saying this because I’m looking for a soft cushion wherever I’m heading, I just feel that I’ve got thousands and thousands of young fans that have to learn about what’s real when it comes to AIDS. Like the others before me, I would like to turn my own problem into something good that will reach out to all my homeboys and their kin.
Because I want to save their asses before it’s too late.
I’m not looking to blame anyone except myself. I have learned in the last week that this thing is real, and it doesn’t discriminate. It affects everyone. My girl Tomika and I have been together for four years and we recently got married. She’s good, she’s kind and a wonderful mother. We have a lttle boy who’s a year old. Before Tomika I had other women. I have seven children by six different mothers. Maybe success was too good to me. I love all my kids and always took care of them.
Now I’m in the biggest fight of my life, and it ain’t easy. But I want to say much love to those who have been down to me. And thanks for your support.
Just remember: It’s YOUR real time and YOUR real life.