If you’re like tens of thousands of people in the state of Georgia, you may have started college with all the genuine intention of finishing.
Earning a Bachelor’s degree takes time and money. And there are thousands of people who invested both, but because they did not complete enough courses for one reason or another, walked away with nothing.
Well, all that’s about to change thanks to a new program by the University System of Georgia.
The USG just launched a statewide initiative to identify thousands of students who may not have earned their bachelor’s degree but completed enough courses for an associate’s degree.
The state is seeking to increase the numbers of students who have high-quality education credentials. It could also help thousands of people land jobs or quality for higher wages.
“Today there are thousands of Georgians who have invested some time in college without completion of enough courses to earn a bachelor’s degree,” said Barbara L. Brown, assistant vice chancellor for transitional and general education with the University System of Georgia. “The courses these students did complete, however, may qualify them for their associate degree.”
It is a big deal because up to 8000 students per year may qualify for a retroactive associates degree.
So far, East Georgia State College, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia Regents University are serving as the pilots for the project.
Next year, all of 32 of the colleges and universities in the University System of Georgia will participate in 2016.