The losses for disgraced comedian Bill Cosby continue to pile up.
In addition to his career, the allegations of sexual assault by 51 women have cost Bill Cosby several of his honorary degrees.
The latest learning institution to convict Cosby in the court of public opinion is Swarthmore College, which bestowed the degree upon him in 1995.
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Dr. Bill Cosby’s own testimony. Damn! |
Swarthmore College joins Drexel in Philadelphia and Madison University in New Jersey in scrapping Cosby’s honorary degrees after his testimony in a deposition from a 2006 settlement was made public in July.
“Mr. Cosby has testified in a deposition under oath, which was made public in July, that he routinely and premeditatively drugged women before having sex with them,” said Swarthmore College President Valerie Smith in a statement.
The claims of the 51 women were validated in bombshell testimony in which Bill Cosby admitted he frequently obtained Quaaludes and other drugs with the intention of giving them to young women for sex.
No one is disputing the allegations are completely heinous.
It’s kind of similar to O.J. Simpson’s murder case, which some may argue was a lot more sensational (“The Trial of the Century”) and gruesome, since two people were butchered. And MOST people thought O.J. was cooked.
Whether you agree with the verdict or not, O.J. was found not guilty of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson, a blonde white woman, and a Jewish man named Ronald Goldman.
The same goes for the trial of George Zimmerman, the white man who shot and killed a black teen named Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. The case was analyzed all around the world and in the end, Zimmerman was found not-guilty of what seemed so obvious to everyone – murder.
“There is virtually no standard by which the media are holding Mr. Cosby’s accusers,” Bill Cosby’s attorney Marty Singer told complained to The Daily Caller. “Anyone and everyone who wants to file a suit or get on television can be guaranteed fawning coverage. The very same media have demonstrated an unconscionable disinterest in the veracity of his accusers and their motives.”
The fact is, some of Bill Cosby’s accusers have criminal records for things like fraud and prostitution which could impact the civil case as well as possible pending criminal charges.
Also, in the United States, there’s a storied history of white women accusing black men of rape, the most famous case being that of the Scottsboro Boys, nine youth accused or raping two white girls in 1931 in Alabama.
Dr. Boyce Watkins discussed the issue with criminologist Dr. Chenelle Jones from Ohio Dominican University, to explain just how often black men are sent to prison for crimes they did not commit, as in the infamous rape case of the Central Park 5.
Bill Cosby’s pattern of behavior and deception surely points to a guilty man, but he has not been convicted of anything – yet.