Pusha T’s Kanye West-produced album “Daytona” has been generating plenty of headlines, but not all of them have been positive. After the album was initially released to some high praise, things took a quick turn when Drake fired back with a brutal “Duppy Freestyle” diss track taking aim at Pusha T and Kanye.
Now, Pusha T and Kanye are once again under fire, but this time it is because of the album cover art for “Daytona.”
The album cover features a 2006 secretly taken photo of a drug-ridden bathroom belonging to the late Whitney Houston. Houston’s cousin was “sick” over the image which Kanye reportedly paid $85,000 out of his own pocket to license.
Houston’s cousin, Damon Elliott, blasted the choice to use the cover.
“To do something for a publicity stunt to sell records, it’s absolutely disgusting,” Elliott told People. “It hurt my family and my daughter. It’s petty. It’s tacky. I immediately got sick to my stomach because it took me right back to six years ago.
“What were you thinking? Did you think this through? And if you did, why did you do this? Because you’re hurting people. It knocked the wind out of me last night. When someone passes, you try to mourn and move on and remember the good times.”
Houston passed away in 2012. She was found dead in a bathtub of her Beverly Hilton hotel room and an autopsy revealed she had marijuana, Xanax, Benadryl, and other drugs in her system.
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[cmglink type=’external’ info=’LISTEN: Drake ‘Duppy Freestyle’ Stream & Download: Pusha T Diss Track’ url=’https://coed.com/2018/05/25/listen-drake-duppy-freestyle-stream-download-pusha-t-diss-track/’ image=’https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/2c4a10eaf5a68762b2e3d627e8adbc58/5B91B71C/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/33476450_170215150336845_6374285560994856960_n.jpg?w=200′ excerpt=”]
[cmglink type=’external’ info=’LISTEN: Pusha T ‘DAYTONA’ Stream & Download: New Album’ url=’https://coed.com/2018/05/25/listen-pusha-t-daytona-stream-download-new-album/’ image=’https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dd-bpglV4AA0Q2f.jpg?w=200′ excerpt=”]